Stenballe FS 1300

Referentie: ID8780224
  • Stenballe FS 1300
  • Categorie: Overige
  • Gewicht: 80 kg
Prijs op aanvraag

Technical Information -
Make - Stenballe
Model - FS 1300
Note - - 130 cm
Year - Unknown
Year is estimated and non-binding - Yes
Hours approx. - 0
Width m - 1.3
CE marked - Yes
Weight kg approx. - 80
Weight is estimated and non-binding - Yes
Is visually reviewed, but not fully tested in all functions - Yes
Visual condition (1-5) 5=best - 3
Technical condition (1-5) 5=best - 3
Could be in operation until delivery - Yes
Categories - Garden & Grounds Care ,   Attachments for Grounds care machines
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Categorie Overige
Merk Stenballe
Model FS 1300
Gewicht 80 kg
Referentie ID8780224

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